ODISka in mobile

You can quickly and easily set up ODISapka in our ODISapka mobile app or in the My DPO mobile app. Simply upload your photo and, for applicants who qualify for the discount, the relevant documents and wait for our review and confirmation..

ODIS in the mobile is free: you save the fee of 130,- CZK for ordering a classic plastic ODIS

The mobile ODIS is connected to the e-shop www.odiska.cz , or eshop.dpo.cz . You can purchase a coupon and other operations either directly in the mobile application or in the e-shop.

Note for holders of existing ODISka smart cards: the mobile ODISka is not a copy of the classic plastic ODISka, the coupon cannot be transferred from the original ODISka to the mobile ODISka. If you have a coupon on a regular ODIS card, you must continue to present this plastic card. To switch from the classic ODIS card to the mobile ODIS card, we recommend that you let your coupon expire on the original card and purchase a new coupon on the mobile ODIS card.

Attention, ODISka in mobile it is not yet valid for the Městského dopravního podniku Opava!